Email Inquiries
Do NOT email the office for URGENT medical concerns, CALL the office 519-853-4449, go to your local emergency department or CALL 911
Do NOT email the office for Medication Renewals - Contact your pharmacy and have your pharmacy fax the office: 519-853-5242 to request the medication renewal.
Do NOT email the office to book appointment
As of February 1, 2024 email is no longer being used to book appointments. To book an appointment please use any of the following options:
Online booking portal:
Call the office 519-853-4449 and use the automated system
Call the office 519-853-4449 x 0 to speak with a receptionist during office hours Monday - Thursday 9am-12pm & 2pm-5pm, Friday 9am-11am
Emails are received and reviewed by the office staff and they will attempt to respond promptly to your email (3-5 business days); however due to the high volume of emails received the office cannot guarantee that any particular email will be read and/or responded to within that period of time. Thus, email is NOT to be used for medical emergencies or other time-sensitive matters.
ALL Emails MUST include the following in the subject line: the patient's name (as it appears on their Health Card), date of birth and phone number. Do not include multiple patients in 1 email; each patient requires an individual email.
Be aware that email communications to and from may be added to your patient chart and become a part of your medical record.
Email Address: